
Current release 0.2.0
January 1, 2002

EiffelOpenGL download and installation sourceforge.net www.opengl.org

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The latest release is 0.2.0 and it can be downloaded as a single Winzip archive file from the EiffelOpenGL projects file list page at SourceForge.

You can also get a snapshot of the current sourcecode tree via CVS by issuing the following CVS commands:

> cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.eifogl.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/eifogl login

When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.

> cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.eifogl.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/eifogl checkout eifogl


In order to use EiffelOpenGL you need:
  • An Eiffel compiler. Currently only ISE Eiffel 4.5 or later is supported. You of course also need a back-end C compiler. EiffelOpenGL has been developed and tested with ISE Eiffel (4.5 & 5.0) and Microsoft Visual C++ (5.0 & 6.0). It should work with the Borland C compiler but your mileage may vary.
  • An OpenGL implementation for your platform. Currently only the Win32 platform is supported. The OpenGL C header files and libraries are included with Microsoft Visual C++. They can also be downloaded from www.opengl.org.
  • If you want to use the included python script "build_eifogl.py" you also need to have Python 2.X installed.


To install EiffelOpenGL you must complete the following steps:
  1. Download EiffelOpenGL as described above and unzip the Winzip archive file in a suitable directory on your machine. The root directory for all files in the winzip archive is named "eifogl". So if, for example, you unzip the winzip archive file in your local directory:


    The EiffelOpenGL files will then be installed in:


  2. In order to compile the example programs in EiffelOpenGL, you must manually set the following environment variables (they are used in the Ace files) :

    EIFOGL This points out the directory where EiffelOpenGL is installed on your machine. Continuing the example from above, that would be:


    EIFFEL_COMPILER This tells which Eiffel compiler you want to use with EiffelOpenGL. Currently only ISE is supported so you should set it like this:


    GL This points out the directory where OpenGL is installed on your machine. The Ace files assume that the OpenGL directory contains one "include" and one "lib" directory containing the C header files and import libraries for OpenGL. It might look like this:


    GLUT This points out the directory where GLUT is installed on your machine. The Ace files assume that the GLUT directory contains one "include" and one "lib" directory containing the C header files and import libraries for OpenGL. It might look like this:


  3. You can test that all the example programs are compilable by running the python script "build_eifogl.py" that can be found in the directory "tools".

Author: Paul Cohen
"$Date: 2002/03/02 19:06:42 $"
"$Revision: 1.3 $"